These "Diversity Film Posters" were screenprinted to promote our movie nights on campus. We combined our schools' corporate design with our own illustrations, helping create a recognition value among the students. Producing these hand-printed posters and distributing them helped us gain a bigger crowd and got people interested in our craft. We used paper by Gmund and printed each design 8 times. Each poster has a size of 50x70cm.

Every semester we show a selection of films dealing with themes of diversity. Of course each movie needs a number of posters promoting the event on campus. For the first time this semester we chose to produce these limited edition movie posters by screenprinting them ourself. We created individual designs for each movie, fraying from the commercial posters created for each film. In order to implement the school's corporate identity we worked with self-mixed colors.

The posters were distributed throughout the campus and were signed and numbered after the event, and given to interested students. With this project we hope to share our enthusiasm for screenprinting while spreading means of communication design in public.